Somerset Lifetimes 2019 Semester 2
“Throughout the conference, leaders and mentors would repeat this one phrase, or some variation of it: ‘Think Globally, Act Locally’. Initially it seemed little more than a cliché; however, after 10 days of listening to the perspectives of peers from all around the world, engaging in cross-cultural communication, working with global issues, I began to value the significance of each individual country and community working on a national scale to resolve international challenges. The culminating event of the conference was a model United Nations simulation in which my peers represented the nations of the world and negotiated for resolutions to be passed and employed their decision-making and negotiation skills to address the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Being part of the leadership team that ran this event allowed me to witness international co-operation and diplomacy come to life.” “Whilst we were able to explore the cities and visit tourist attractions such as Times Square, the Empire State Building and The Holocaust Museum, it was the people and ultimate friends that we met along the way that really made the trip unforgettable. One of the highlights from my experience was the cultural exchange activity in which each scholar brought something that represents their country and presented it to the group. This activity opened my eyes to the large influence in which your country, school and family life have on your own attitudes, beliefs and values. Each scholar that I talked to seem to reflect a different view point which was independent of the last but still inferencing similar values that are instilled in their country of origin. This interested me and prompted civil debates, discussions Joanne Jo, Year 12 Student
and peer communications as we all explored just how our different upbringings have shaped us into the individuals we are today. This experience has left me with unforgettable memories and bountiful opportunities, skills and ideas to help me continue on my journey as a young leader and help others to continue theirs.”
Georgina Powell, Year 11 Student
Young Leaders’ Conference
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