Somerset Festival For Young Performers - Syllabus 2021
11. If a performer has to withdraw from a section, it would be appreciated if notification can be given via email to 12. Items that run overtime can be stopped by the adjudicator and may be penalised. Please keep to times to ensure the smooth running of the Festival.
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Time limit for all ages is maximum 3 minutes All Dance sections maximum 2 minutes
V IRTUAL F ESTIVAL D ETAILS : (S PECIFIC REQUIREMENTS ) 1. Entries for video performances are open to performers who live 150 kilometres or more away from Somerset College; 2. Performances MUST be submitted using an MP4 file (other file types will not be accepted) 3. It is not required to send in a copy of the work presented 4. Performers will receive, via email, a report from the adjudicator and a certificate via email. Entry fees for all sections are $ 5 .00 Any enquiries should be directed via email to or by phoning the Somerset College Events Office on (07) 5559 7382. A DDITIONAL R EGULATIONS FOR D ANCE • Entrants must only perform in events applicable to their school year level • Costuming should be both age and section appropriate. Personal presentation appropriate to a stage appearance may be taken into consideration. The use of explicit language and gestures is prohibited. • All backing tracks must be on a USB – only one track per USB • Entrants are expected to be prepared and registered, backstage 15 minutes prior to the commencement of their section • Performances must be kept within specified time limits - Time Limit 2 minutes • The following items are not permitted on stage: Sand, water, cream, powder, electrical appliances, matches, or any other dangerous items • Entrants are requested to come as pre-prepared as possible - especially make-up. Your co-operation is much appreciated.
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