Somerset Festival For Young Performers - Syllabus 2021
21 to 22 August 2021
Somerset College proudly hosts the annual Somerset Festival for Young Performers. This festival is open to students from the wider Gold Coast region and further afield as well as overseas. Entrants are encouraged to perform in a variety of areas including vocal, instrumental, and speech and drama. Welcome to the twenty-ninth annual Somerset Festival for Young Performers. The aim of the festival is to foster a sense of encouragement and enthusiasm, emphasising that the achievement is in the effort of the performer rather than in the final placing. The 2021 Festival will include a virtual festival (for performers who reside more than 150km from Somerset College) along with our two-day Festival in August. The aim is to provide an opportunity for our many young performers, who are eager to showcase their talents. We look forward to welcoming you to the Somerset Festival for Young Performers. Please note that the syllabus is also available to download at Although run in an eisteddfod style format, the atmosphere is informal and relaxed, aiming at providing students with an opportunity to perform in front of a supportive audience. Students learn by listening to other performances as well as performing themselves. All performers receive a report on their performance. Adjudicators work hard to provide positive advice for all performers. In keeping with the festival atmosphere, we have displays and a café in operation for the weekend. Please come along and enjoy the weekend of performance presented by enthusiastic young people. Please encourage all performers and applaud their efforts. To ensure you have all the latest registration information, please visit the website and subscribe to our e-news. For further information, please contact the Somerset College Events Office (07) 5559 7382 or email
R EGISTRATION DETAILS : Festival held 21 to 22 August 2021:
Registrations open Monday 29 March 2021 Registrations close Friday 4 June 2021
Virtual Festival:
Registrations open Monday 29 March 2021 Registrations close Friday 21 May 2021
1. No competitor may render an item more than once in this year's Festival. 2. Unless otherwise stated, all sections are own choice (no repeats). Only one item per performance. 3. A copy of the music/poem must be made available at the beginning of the session. Please note all copies are to be handed in at the information room prior to the commencement of the session. The performer may be refused if this is not available. Any accompaniment is the responsibility of the performer. Vocal performers may bring a USB stick for accompaniment (preferred). Only one backing track per USB. If using a CD then it is the responsibility of the performer to bring a CD player. Vocal competitors using a backing track may submit a copy of lyrics only All competitors must complete a performance form which is available for download off the festival website and attach a copy of music and poem to be handed in for the adjudicator’s use. The Somerset Festival for Young Performers is in no way responsible for personal breach of copyright. Competitors are responsible for royalty fees if any. Vocal competitors who are using CD backing may submit a copy of lyrics only.
4. Awards are at the discretion of the adjudicator and are final. Any queries or objections must be lodged with the festival director within 30 minutes of the adjudicator’s decision. Any communication with the adjudicator by teachers, competitors or parents during the competition is strictly forbidden. 5. Adjudication reports and original copies of music will be available from the official table at the end of the section. 6. The Festival Convenor reserves the right to: a. refuse or disqualify any entry b. cancel a section (due to insufficient entries) c. alter awards (due to insufficient entries) d. request proof of age e. to divide any section into smaller sections (where there is a large number of entries) 7. Duets, trios and quartets must include all names on the one entry form and be paid for on the one entry form. Participants may perform in different duets, trios or quartets, provided that it is with different partners, and performing different material. Participants may perform in no more than two entries in the same section. All entries must include the relevant details and correct entry fees. Entry fees are as follows and are payable at the time of online registration. Solo $8.00 Duets $14.00 Trios $18.00 Quartets $24.00 Somerset College deems this event to be a separate event and is an input tax item. No GST is charged. 8. There will be two student desks and two chairs provided at all speech and drama venues. All other props must be provided by the performer. Programmes will be available to download free of charge from the website from Monday 2 August 2021. No changes will be made to the programme timetabling at that stage. Competitors should be present at the beginning of sessions as it is not wise to anticipate exact performance times. Please note that all names of participants will be online at the College website as part of the programme. 9. 10.
11. If a performer has to withdraw from a section, it would be appreciated if notification can be given via email to 12. Items that run overtime can be stopped by the adjudicator and may be penalised. Please keep to times to ensure the smooth running of the Festival.
a. b.
Time limit for all ages is maximum 3 minutes All Dance sections maximum 2 minutes
V IRTUAL F ESTIVAL D ETAILS : (S PECIFIC REQUIREMENTS ) 1. Entries for video performances are open to performers who live 150 kilometres or more away from Somerset College; 2. Performances MUST be submitted using an MP4 file (other file types will not be accepted) 3. It is not required to send in a copy of the work presented 4. Performers will receive, via email, a report from the adjudicator and a certificate via email. Entry fees for all sections are $ 5 .00 Any enquiries should be directed via email to or by phoning the Somerset College Events Office on (07) 5559 7382. A DDITIONAL R EGULATIONS FOR D ANCE • Entrants must only perform in events applicable to their school year level • Costuming should be both age and section appropriate. Personal presentation appropriate to a stage appearance may be taken into consideration. The use of explicit language and gestures is prohibited. • All backing tracks must be on a USB – only one track per USB • Entrants are expected to be prepared and registered, backstage 15 minutes prior to the commencement of their section • Performances must be kept within specified time limits - Time Limit 2 minutes • The following items are not permitted on stage: Sand, water, cream, powder, electrical appliances, matches, or any other dangerous items • Entrants are requested to come as pre-prepared as possible - especially make-up. Your co-operation is much appreciated.
ENTRIES: Competitors are only permitted to enter ONCE per solo section (1 ballet, 1 jazz, 1 hip hop, 1 tap, 1 contemporary/lyrical)
Competitors are permitted to enter TWICE in the duo section - as long as the partnering is of a different combination Competitors permitted to enter TWICE in the trio or quartet section – as long as the group consists of a different combination TERMS: Jazz: Choreographers should be aware of jazz techniques. Acrobatic actions are performed at own risk. Selection of music should be suited to age of dancer. Tap: Choreographers should be aware of Tap techniques. Selection of music should be suited to age of dancer. Recorded tap routines are not allowed. Hip Hop: Choreographers should be aware of Hip Hop techniques. Acrobatic actions are performed at own risk. Selection of music should be suited to age of dancer. Contemporary / Lyrical: Choreographers should be aware of Contemporary techniques. Acrobatic actions are performed at own risk. Selection of music should be suited to age of dancer. Entrants perform at their own risk. Entrants agree they are of good health and fitness and physically able to participate in an event. No liability will be accepted for any injury sustained whilst carrying out that performance. The use of private recorders, videos or cameras is not allowed in dressing rooms where children’s images could be compromised. A high standard of decorum is expected from all participants and patrons. Behaviour, which is contrary to the spirit of the event, will result in the offender(s) being asked to leave. Offending entrants will be disqualified. Ballet: Choreographers should be aware of Ballet techniques. Selection of music should be suited to age of dancer.
The SFYP, at its sole discretion, may promote or publicise the profile of any entrant and their participation and publish names and town of origin in
competition results, including photos via electronic and printed media at our discretion. No parents will be allowed on stage or in the wings, except one parent in a supervisory capacity with groups. Any entrant who suffers memory lapse, or otherwise stops in performance will forfeit the competition unless remaining on stage and completing the performance within the time limit. Entrants may be asked to return and complete the routine at the discretion of the Adjudicator. NOTES TO STUDENTS: Create a routine that compliments your abilities. Don’t do something that is too difficult for you. It’s better to do a simple routine well than fumble through a tricky number. Talk to as many people as possible at the event, it’s not only about performing but making connections within your arts practice Have a make-up kit that you take with you. Include needle and thread, hairspray, hair pins and spare tights Be prepared! Rehearse, practice in your costume, get plenty of rest, and fuel your body Have a back-up copy of your music Remember that people are not only watching your dancing, but the way you behave. Be professional, attentive and courteous Enjoy the experience! You’re on stage in front of a supportive audience
SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Time Limit – maximum 3 minutes No Repeats to Be Played
Born in
Section 01 Piano Solo Section 02 Piano Solo Section 03 Piano Solo Section 04 Piano Solo Section 05 Piano Solo
2015 or later
2014 2013 2012 2011
Section 06 Piano Solo up to Preliminary Level Section 07 Piano Solo Grade 1 level or higher Section 08 Piano Solo up to Grade 1 level Section 09 Piano Solo Grade 2 or higher Section 10 Piano Solo up to Grade 2 level Section 11 Piano Solo Grade 3 or higher
Must be born in 2010 Must be born in 2010 Must be born in 2009 Must be born in 2009 Must be born in 2008 Must be born in 2008
Section 12 Piano Duet Section 13 Piano Duet Section 14 Piano Duet
2012 or later 2010 or later 2008 or later
Section 15 Piano Trio -1 Piano/6 hands 2008 or later All pieces in the grade sections below MUST come from that grade level- not higher or lower. Section 16 Piano Solo Baroque Era from any Preliminary Examination Syllabus 2008 or later S ection 17 Piano Solo Baroque Composition from any Grade 1 Examination Syllabus 2008 or later Section 18 Piano Solo Baroque Composition from any Grade 2 Examination Syllabus 2008 or later Section 19 Piano Solo Baroque Composition from any Grade 3 Examination Syllabus 2008 or later Section 20 Piano Solo Baroque Composition from any Grade 4 or higher Examination Syllabus 2008 or later Section 21 Piano Solo Classical/Romantic Era from any Preliminary Examination Syllabus 2008 or later Section 22 Piano Solo Classical/Romantic Era from any Grade 1 Examination Syllabus 2008 or later Section 23 Piano Solo Classical/Romantic Era from any Grade 2 Examination Syllabus 2008 or later Section 24 Piano Solo Classical/Romantic Era from any Grade 3 Examination Syllabus 2008 or later Section 25 Piano Solo Classical/Romantic Era from any Grade 4 or higher Examination Syllabus 2008 or later
Piano Solo (20 th /21 st Century – not Jazz, Blues, Popular or Movie) Preliminary Examination Syllabus2008 or later Piano Solo (20 th /21 st Century – not Jazz, Blues, Popular or Movie) Grade 1 Examination Syllabus 2008 or later Piano Solo (20 th /21 st Century – not Jazz, Blues, Popular or Movie) Grade 2 Examination Syllabus 2008 or later Piano Solo (20 th /21 st Century – not Jazz, Blues, Popular or Movie) Grade 3 Examination Syllabus 2008 or later Piano Solo (20 th /21 st Century – not Jazz, Blues, Popular or Movie) Grade 4 or higher Examination Syllabus2008 or later
Section 26 Section 27 Section 28 Section 29 Section 30
Section 31 Piano Solo (Non–classical – Movie, Popular) Section 32 Piano Solo (Non–classical – Movie, Popular) Section 33 Piano Solo (Non–classical – Movie, Popular) Section 34 Piano Solo (Non–classical – Movie, Popular)
2014 or later
2013 2012 2011
SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Time Limit – maximum 3 minutes No Repeats to Be Played
Born in
Section 35 Piano Solo (Non–classical – Movie, Popular) Section 36 Piano Solo (Non–classical – Movie, Popular) Section 37 Piano Solo (Non–classical – Movie, Popular) Section 38 Piano Solo (Jazz, Rag and Blues) Section 39 Piano Solo (Jazz, Rag and Blues) Section 40 Piano Solo ((Jazz, Rag and Blues) Section 41 Piano Solo (Jazz, Rag and Blues) Section 42 Piano Solo (Jazz, Rag and Blues) Section 43 Piano Solo – (Jazz, Rag and Blues) Section 44 Piano Solo – (Jazz, Rag and Blues)
2010 2009 2008
2014 or later
2013 2012 2011 2010 2009
2008 All pieces in the grade sections below MUST come from that grade level- not higher or lower. Section 45 Piano Solo (Composition by an Australian Composer) Preliminary Examination Syllabus 2008 or later Section 46 Piano Solo (Composition by an Australian Composer) Grade 1 Examination Syllabus 2008 or later Section 47 Piano Solo (Composition by an Australian Composer) Grade 2 Examination Syllabus 2008 or later Section 48 Piano Solo (Composition by an Australian Composer) Grade 3 Examination Syllabus 2008 or later Section 49 Piano Solo (Composition by an Australian Composer) Grade 4 or higher Examination Syllabus 2008 or later Section 50 Piano Solo – a ny piece from Preparatory Piano Syllabus 2008 or later Section 51 Piano Solo – any piece from Elementary Piano Syllabus 2008 or later Section 52 Piano Solo – any piece from Preliminary Piano Syllabus 2008 or later Section 53 Piano Solo – any piece from Grade 1 Piano Syllabus 2008 or later Section 54 Piano Solo – any piece from Grade 2 Piano Syllabus 2008 or later Section 55 Piano Solo – any piece from Grade 3 Piano Syllabus 2008 or later Section 56 Piano Solo – any piece from Grade 4 Piano Syllabus 2008 or later Section 57 Flute/Fife Solo 2010 or later Section 58 Flute/Fife Solo 2008 or 2009 Section 59 Clarinet/Saxophone Solo 2010 or later Section 60 Clarinet/Saxophone Solo 2008 or 2009 Section 61 Brass Solo 2010 or later Section 62 Brass Solo 2008 or 2009 Section 63 Recorder Solo 2011 or later Section 64 Recorder Solo 2008 to 2010
Section 65 Percussion Solo Section 66 Percussion Solo
2010 or later 2008 or 2009 2010 or later 2008 or later 2008 or later 2010 or later 2008 or 2009 2010 or later 2008 or 2009 2010 or later 2008 or 2009 2008 or later 2008 or later 2008 or later 2008 or later 2010 or later 2008 or 2009
Section 67 Woodwind/Brass Duet Section 68 Woodwind/Brass Duet Section 69 Woodwind/Brass Trio/Quartet
Section 70 Woodwind/Brass Solo (Baroque Composer) Section 71 Woodwind/Brass Solo (Baroque Composer) Section 72 Woodwind/Brass Solo (20 th /21 st Century – not Jazz, Blues, Popular or Movie) Section 73 Woodwind/Brass Solo (20 th /21 st Century – not Jazz, Blues, Popular or Movie) Section 74 Woodwind/Brass Solo (Non–classical – Popular, Blues, Jazz) Section 75 Woodwind/Brass Solo (Non–classical – Popular, Blues, Jazz) Section 76 Woodwind/Brass Solo (Australian composer) Section 77 Woodwind/Brass Solo (Australian composer)
Section 78 Woodwind/Brass Solo Grade 1 (any syllabus) Section 79 Woodwind/Brass Solo Grade 2 (any syllabus) Section 80 Woodwind/Brass Solo Grade 3 (any syllabus) Section 81 Woodwind/Brass Solo Grade 4 (any syllabus) Section 82 Any solo instrument not offered elsewhere 2008 or later Section 83 Duet/Trio/Quartet combination not offered elsewhere 2008 or later
Section 84 String Solo Section 85 String Solo Section 86 String Solo Section 87 String Solo
2015 or later
2014 2013 2012
Section 88 String Solo up to Preliminary level Must be born in 2011 Section 89 String Solo Grade 1 or higher (any syllabus) Must be born in 2011 Section 90 String Solo up to Grade 1 level (any syllabus) Must be born in 2010 Section 91 String Solo Grade 2 or higher (any syllabus) Must be born in 2010 Section 92 String Solo up to Grade 2 level (any syllabus) Must be born in 2009 Section 93 String Solo Grade 3 or higher (any syllabus) Must be born in 2009 Section 94 String Solo up to Grade 3 level (any syllabus) Must be born in 2008 Section 95 String Solo Grade 4 or higher (any syllabus) Must be born in 2008 Section 96 String Duet 2010 or later Section 97 String Duet 2008 or later Section 98 String Trio/Quartet or Piano Trio 2008 or later Section 99 String Solo (Folk Song or Baroque Composer) 2012 or later Section 100 String Solo (Folk Song or Baroque Composer) 2010 or 2011 Section 101 String Solo (Folk Song or Baroque Composer) 2008 or 2009 Section 102 String Solo – (20 th /21 st Century – not Jazz, Blues, Popular or Movie 2010 or later Section 103 String Solo – (20 th /21 st Century – not Jazz, Blues, Popular or Movie 2008 or 2009
Section 104 String Solo – Non–classical (Jazz, Popular, Movie) 2010 or later Section 105 String Solo – Non–classical (Jazz, Popular, Movie) 2008 or 2009 Section 106 Cello Solo 2012 or later Section 107 Cello Solo 2010 or 2011 Section 108 Cello Solo 2008 or 2009 Section 109 Double Bass Solo 2008 or later Section 110 String Solo (includes Guitar) – any piece from Preliminary 2008 or later Section 111 String Solo (includes Guitar) – any piece from Grade 1 2008 or later Section 112 String Solo (includes Guitar) – any piece from Grade 2 2008 or later Section 113 String Solo (includes Guitar) – any piece from Grade 3 2008 or later Section 114 String Solo (includes Guitar) – any piece from Grade 4 2008 or later Section 115 Guitar Solo 2012 or later Section 116 Guitar Solo 2010 or 2011 Section 117 Guitar Solo 2008 or 2009 Section 118 Guitar Duet /Trio/Quartet 2008 or later Vocal Solos – Maximum Two (2) Verses USB with a single backing track preferred Performers using a backing track are to submit a copy of lyrics only Section 119 Vocal Solo 2014 or later Section 120 Vocal Solo 2013 Section 121 Vocal Solo 2012 Section 122 Vocal Solo 2011 Section 123 Vocal Solo 2010 Section 124 Vocal Solo 2009 Section 125 Vocal Solo 2008 Section 126 Vocal Solo (Folksong OR Traditional Australian) 2010 or later Section 127 Vocal Solo (Folksong OR Traditional Australian) 2008 or 2009 Section 128 Vocal Solo (From a Stage Musical) 2012 or later Section 129 Vocal Solo (From a Stage Musical) 2010 or 2011 Section 130 Vocal Solo (From a Stage Musical) 2008 or 2009 Section 131 Vocal Solo (From Film Music) 2012 or later Section 132 Vocal Solo (From Film Music) 2010 or 2011 Section 133 Vocal Solo (From Film Music) 2008 or 2009
SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Time Limit – maximum 3 minutes Duets, trios and quartets must include all names on the one entry form and be paid for on the one entry form. Section 134 Vocal Duo- may be sung in unison 2011 or later Section 135 Vocal Duet- must include harmony 2010 or later Section 136 Vocal Duet- must include harmony 2008 or later Section 137 Vocal Trio/Quartet- must include harmony 2008 or later
SCHEDULE OF EVENTS – SPEECH AND DRAMA Time Limit – maximum 3 minutes
Born in
Section 138 Prose Solo Section 139 Prose Solo Section 140 Prose Solo
2012 or later 2010 or 2011
2008 or 2009 Sections 141 to 146 - No movement is permitted in the presentation. Traditionally, no gestures were used either, however very slight gestures may be permitted if it compliments the text. Generally none are used. Section 141 Poem Solo (of a lyrical nature) 2013 or later Section 142 Poem Solo (of a lyrical nature) 2012 Section 143 Poem Solo (of a lyrical nature) 2011 Section 144 Poem Solo (of a lyrical nature) 2010 Section 145 Poem Solo (of a lyrical nature) 2009 Section 146 Poem Solo (of a lyrical nature) 2008 Section 147 Poem Solo by an Australian Author 2014 or later Section 148 Poem Solo by an Australian Author 2013 Section 149 Poem Solo by an Australian Author 2012 Section 150 Poem Solo by an Australian Author 2011 Section 151 Poem Solo by an Australian Author 2010 Section 152 Poem Solo by an Australian Author 2009 Section 153 Poem Solo by an Australian Author 2008 Section 154 Poem Solo Humorous 2015 or later Section 155 Poem Solo Humorous 2014 Section 156 Poem Solo Humorous 2013 Section 157 Poem Solo Humorous 2012 Section 158 Poem Solo Humorous 2011 Section 159 Poem Solo Humorous 2010 Section 160 Poem Solo Humorous 2009 Section 161 Poem Solo Humorous 2008 Section 162 Monologue 2012 or later Section 163 Monologue 2011 Section 164 Monologue 2010 Section 165 Monologue 2009 Section 166 Monologue 2008
SCHEDULE OF EVENTS – SPEECH AND DRAMA Time Limit – maximum 3 minutes Duets, trios and quartets must include all names on the one entry form and be paid for on the one entry form. Born in Section 167 Duo Poem 2013 or later Section 168 Duologue 2012 or later Section 169 Duologue 2010 or later Section 170 Duologue 2008 or later Mime Sections – 171 to 183 – No Costumes or no sound effects. Section 171 Solo Mime 2014 or later Section 172 Solo Mime 2013 Section 173 Solo Mime 2012 Section 174 Solo Mime 2011 Section 175 Solo Mime 2010 Section 176 Solo Mime 2009 Section 177 Solo Mime 2008 Section 178 Duo Mime 2012 or later Section 179 Duo Mime 2010 or later Section 180 Duo Mime 2008 or later Section 181 Group Mime (3 or 4 members) 2012 or later Section 182 Group Mime (3 or 4 members) 2010 or later Section 183 Group Mime (3 or 4 members) 2008 or later Section 184 Group Drama (up to 4 members) 2011 or later Section 185 Group Drama (up to 4 members) 2009 or later Section 186 Group Drama (up to 4 members) 2008 or later
School Years 1 & 2 Teacher Choreography School Year 1 & 2 Teacher Choreography School Years 1 & 2 Teacher Choreography School Years 1 & 2 Teacher Choreography School Years 1 & 2 Teacher Choreography School Years 3 & 4 Student Choreography School Year 3 & 4 Student Choreography School Years 3 & 4 Student Choreography School Years 3 & 4 Student Choreography School Years 3 & 4 Student Choreography School Year 5,6 & 7 Student Choreography School Years 5,6 & 7 Student Choreography School Years 5,6 & 7 Student Choreography School Years 5,6 & 7 Student Choreography School Year Prep Teacher Choreography School Years 1 & 2 Teacher Choreography School Years 3 &4 Student Choreography School Years 5,6, & 7 Student Choreography School Year Prep Teacher Choreography School Years 1 & 2 Teacher Choreography School Years 3 & 4 Student Choreography School Years 5,6 & 7 Student Choreography School Years 5,6 & 7 Student
Section D 02 Jazz Solo
Section D 03 Contemporary/Lyrical Solo
Section D 04 Hip Hop Solo Section D 05 Tap Solo Section D 06 Ballet Solo Section D 07 Jazz Solo Section D 09 Hip Hop Solo Section D 10 Tap Solo
Section D 08 Contemporary/Lyrical Solo
Section D 11 Ballet Solo
Choreography Section D 12 Jazz Solo Section D 13 Contemporary/Lyrical Solo
Section D 14 Hip Hop Solo Section D 15 Tap Solo Section D 16 Dance Duo Section D 17 Dance Duo Section D 18 Dance Duo Section D 19 Dance Duo
Section D 20 Dance Trio/Quartet Section D 21 Dance Trio/Quartet Section D 34 Dance Trio/Quartet Section D 35 Dance Trio/ Quartet
WORKSHOPS The Somerset Festival for Young Performers is pleased to announce the addition of a series of Workshops for students of all ages and all standards, and provide the opportunity for students to perform for, and receive feedback from visiting tutors as an extension to the annual Festival. In 2021, Workshops and Private Lessons will be held on Saturday 2 August 2021 in a variety of fields of the Performing Arts. Spaces are strictly limited and will be allocated on a first come basis. All registrations must be paid for in full, at the time of registration. As places in both Workshops and Private Individual Lessons are strictly limited, in the event you are unsuccessful, registration fees will be refunded. Workshops are 2 hours duration at various times throughout the day. Music Workshop participants are required to prepare one piece for performance at the workshop. Available Workshops as follows (please note, any piece from any syllabus is acceptable): Workshop Level Time of Workshop Piano Preliminary to Grade 2 1.30pm to 3.30pm $40.00 Piano Grade 3 to Grade 5 11.00am to 1.00pm $45.00 Piano Grade 6 upwards 8.30am to 10.30am $50.00 Violin / Viola Beginner to Preliminary 8.30am to 10.30am $40.00 Violin / Viola Grade 1 to Grade 2 11.00am to 1.00pm $45.00 Violin / Viola Grade 3 upwards 1.30pm to 3.30pm $50.00 Speech and Drama School Year Levels 1 to 3 11.00am to 1.00pm $40.00 Speech and Drama School Year Levels 4 to 6 1.30pm to 3.30pm $45.00 Speech and Drama School Year Levels 7 to 12 8.30am to 10.30am $50.00 Clarinet 8.30am to 10.30am $45.00 Flute 11.00am to 1.00pm $45.00 Saxophone 11.00am to 1.00pm $45.00 Vocal School Year Levels 3 to 6 8.30am to 10.30am $45.00 Vocal School Year Levels 7 to 12 11.00am to 1.00pm $50.00 Brass 1.30pm to 3.30pm $45.00 Cello Preliminary to Grade 3 11.00am to 1.00pm $45.00 Cello Grade 4 upwards 1.30pm to 3.30pm $50.00 To register now visit the website:
PRIVATE LESSONS We are also pleased to provide an opportunity for advanced students to participate in a Private Individual Lesson with a Tutor. All individual lessons are one-hour duration at a cost of $90.00. All Private Individual Lesson participants will be contacted to confirm your placement within 2 business days from registration. Available Private Lessons as follows: Piano Cello Flute Saxophone or Clarinet Brass To register now visit the website: SPONSORSHIP - Can you help? The Somerset Festival for Young Performers is run very successfully due to the generosity of our volunteers and sponsors. With over 200 sections offered this year, our aim is to encourage our young performers in a wide variety of areas at varying levels of expertise. Sponsorship of sections enables us to keep our entry fees low, keep sections small and, at the same time, provide each participant with Place Ribbons. Sponsors’ names are printed on each ribbon and in the Programme. Our aim is for this to be an enjoyable time for our enthusiastic young performers. • Sponsorship of a section is $25.00. • Advertisement of a quarter page (Horizontal: 128mm wide x 43mm high in a PDF high resolution format) (supplied by sponsor) to be placed in to our programme - $100. Secure your sponsorship via young-performers. Your contribution will be acknowledged, and you will have an opportunity to indicate the name of the Sponsoring identity; thereafter a formal receipt will be issued. Should you have any queries, please contact the Events Office via email
Somerset Festival for Young Performers Tel +61 (0)7 5559 7382
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