the crimes committed by marijuana smokers range from petty theft to more serious injuries and fatalities. Furthermore, marijuana users are associated with relationship troubles with friends and families. These conflicts often esca- late to violence and serious fights lead to inju- ries and fragmented relationships. It is clear that smoking marijuana is harmful due to the nega- tive social effects it poses on Australian society. Economic Factor Additionally, marijuana is a negative economic hindrance to society. The drug creates inactiveness in people making them unmotivated to work and unwilling to contribute to society. These users are unable to generate a sufficient income and their limited contributions also impede the economy of a country. This leads to them not being able to financially survive and living off government-owned human services that are funded by the rest of society. Essentially, the taxpayer may be paying money to financially support marijuana users. Further, there are costs involved in investigating crimes committed by marijuana users as well as treating their mental/physical health issues. These costs are again, paid for by the rest of the population through emergency services. Consequently, marijuana usage is destructive as it places an economic burden on Australian society. Medicinal Marijuana

However, although there are numerous negative impacts, there may be some instances where marijuana can be helpful. Medicinal marijuana is used to treat certain symptoms and diseases. This is because it contains a cannabinoid known as cannabidiol (CBD). CBD, unlike THC, has no psychoactive effects but helps reduce pain and muscle spasticity creating a relaxed feeling (Eisinger, 2016). This is an alternative for pain relief to medical patients experiencing agony. Also, CBD can help fight cancer. In 2011, researchers discovered that CBD induces cell death in breast cancer cells assisting in fighting of breast cancer. Unfortunately, the prevalence of CBD in marijuana is far lower than THC meaning that the drug is more hazardous rather than medicinally beneficial. Conclusion In conclusion, smoking marijuana is undeniably harmful. Marijuana contains THC which causes dopamine production. Users feel ‘high’ and invincible leading to them performing dangerous, illegal actions that harm others. Also, consuming THC whilst producing anandamide results in enlarged thoughts and hyperfocusing on a singular thing leading to complex tasks becoming unsafe. Marijuana also leads to the development of mental disorders in users. Marijuana usage also hinders Australian society as it creates anti-social behaviour and increased crime rate as well as impeding a country’s economy and increasing costs in emergency services. On the contrary, marijuana can be used for medicinal purposes however the benefits are fairly minimal. Therefore, smoking marijuana is currently more harmful than beneficial to Australian society. Appendix

Image 2: Medicinal Marijuana (Kedmey, 2015)



Somerset College Journal of Scientific Issues

Year 10

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