Out West 2023

festival info

oliver phommavanh Session 113 Thursday 27 at 9.15am Session 142 Thursday 27 at 1.45pm Young Writers’ Dinner Thursday 27 at 5.00pm Oliver Phommavanh loves to make people laugh, whether it’s on the page writing humour for kids or on stage as a stand-up comedian. He also shares his passion for writing with kids, using his experience as a primary school teacher. Oliver has performed at various comedy and writers festivals around Australia and Asia. Oliver’s recent books include Brain Freeze, Don’t Follow Vee and Natural Born Loser, and he is best known for Thai-riffic!, Con nerd and The Other Christy. www.oliverwriter.com Session 212 Friday 28 at 9.15am Session 243 Friday 28 at 1.45pm

ian mcintosh

Session 122 Thursday 27 at 10.30am Workshop Thursday 27 at 12.45pm Young Writers’ Dinner Thursday 27 at 5.00pm

Session 211 Friday 28 at 9.15am Session 232 Friday 28 at 12.30pm

BOOKING INFORMATION Tickets are $10.00 (GST inclusive) per person per session. For adult sessions, workshops and catered functions, please refer to individual event information. Bookings can only be processed on receipt of full payment. Bookings may be made online with credit card payment. There are no refunds or exchanges once bookings are processed. All tickets are issued as e-tickets and will be sent to your designated email address. Any queries please contact events@ storyfest.com.au or phone – 07 5559 7377. PURCHASING YOUR TICKETS Tickets will be on sale from Wednesday 7 June 2023. You may book online anytime. Many sessions have limited numbers, so please book early to avoid disappointment. COVID-19 Attendees at Storyfest Out West must adhere to current Queensland Health regulations. Should an author withdraw due to COVID-19 disruptions, please note they will be substituted and no refund will be applicable. PHOTOGRAPHY AND VIDEOGRAPHY PERMISSIONS Somerset Storyfest will have a photographer and videographer on-site to record events throughout the Festival. These photos are for archival and marketing purposes and purchase of a ticket implies permission to use the photos taken for these purposes. FESTIVAL BOOKSHOP The Festival Bookshop stocks an extensive range of books by all the authors and illustrators attending Storyfest Out West and is open between 8.00am and 4.00pm. Books will be available at pop up activations

Ian is a former rodeo clown who grew up in Normanton in Queensland’s Gulf of Carpentaria. Ian has loved creative writing since he was a young boy. Ian became an author in 2014 and has since written and self-published several books. He also mentors and helps emerging authors to write and self-publish children’s picture books. www.ianmcintosh.com.au

during the festival. At the end of each of their sessions, authors are available for book signings!

FOOD AND DRINK The Hardback Café operates throughout the Festival and will be open from 8.00am to 2.30pm. SUPERVISION POLICY Any child 14 years or younger must be accompanied by a supervising parent/ guardian or teacher while on campus at all times during Storyfest Out West. FESTIVAL LOCATION The Festival is located at the Longreach Showground, Kite Street, Longreach. SCHOOL BOOKINGS AND RESERVATION POLICY Tickets may be reserved for up to 14 days without payment. All payments must be finalised at least seven days prior to the Festival. If payment is not received for your reservation, this will result in automatic cancellation of your booking and tickets will be released. BAGS There is no cloakroom facility at Storyfest Out West. We encourage students to bring a small carry bag, as some venues have limited access for school bags. We advise students to leave valuables at home. All lost property can be collected from Information Booth at the Festival.

gabrielle tozer Session 111 Thursday 27 at 9.15am Session 133 Thursday 27 at 12.30pm Teacher Teacher Thursday 27 at 5.30pm

sally warriner Literary Lunch Wednesday 26 at 11.30am Session 123 Thursday 27 at 10.30am

Workshop Friday 28 at 9.30am Session 231 Friday 28 at 12.30pm

Gabrielle Tozer is an award-winning author and freelance writer based in Wagga Wagga, New South Wales. She has published six books, including the young adult novels Remind Me How This Ends, Can’t Say It Went To Plan and The Intern. Her first picture book, Peas and Quiet (illustrated by Sue deGennaro), was published in 2017, and her debut children’s novel, Melody Trumpet, hit shelves in 2019. She is currently working on four more books with HarperCollins. Gabrielle loves sharing her passion for storytelling and creativity with readers and aspiring writers around Australia. www.gabrielletozer.com

Sally Warriner spent nearly 25 years living in the outback on cattle stations with her former husband. She is a trained nurse who was able to use her skills to help the isolated communities she lived in. Sally left cattle station life when her children were in boarding school. Her sons are spread across the country and most are involved in agribusiness. Her former husband still runs cattle stations. www.sallywarriner.com

HAVE QUESTIONS? Phone: 07 5559 7377 Email: bookings@storyfest.com.au

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