My Santiago

Our Common Bond

As human beings, We all grow old, we all die, -eventually!

It is our common bond, Like birth, death binds us,

And in that common experience, We gain some measure of comfort.

We are born, we live, And we die!

As human beings, We all have our loads to bear. Loads dispensed to us, Coincidentally it would seem, But on reflection, Fitting a larger plan, a bigger picture. One that at first, nudges us -if we are lucky- And speaks to us through That first blimp on the radar screens Of our unassailable health.

All is not well, we are told, And you have lost your way In the tangled undergrowth Of life’s trivialities, Of paying bills and accumulating wealth and status And being embroiled in useless rounds of getting and taking. We all get the signs, It is just that most simply don’t hear them, don’t see them! The lucky ones do!

It is the opportunity For rebirth, For that rekindling of the life force That joie d’vivre. And getting back, Or simply getting there for the first time, Is like discovering new lands.

And this is when miracles happen! The traveller returns from the new Bourne, With new stories and sees the place for the first time. It is when lost time is taken back and reshaped, refashioned,

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