My Santiago
Barbaeria in Habana
It is a balmy December afternoon
on a Saturday in Habana,
And I am in a Barberia in O’Rielly street,
Waiting my turn.
In the barber’s chair sits a substantial Cuban man,
Young and handsome,
In a fleshy sort of way;
He is having his head shaved.
The barber glides a deadly sharp razor,
With dexterity over the man’s scalp,
Precise, drawing no blood -and then - lovingly - rubs lotion over his scalp.
When my turn comes,
I convey my preferred haircut
with elaborate hand gestures,
“No hablo espanol “ -
And the help of customers.
A few things are - however -
lost in translation,
And I leave,
Hair graded,
Zero to One to Two
from bottom to top;
Knowing full well that a week is all it takes,
Between a poor haircut and normality.
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