My Santiago
Less Years; More Time
I’m getting older,
And Life plays out to me
in curious, beguiling ways.
It is a Chameleon on the branch;
Disappearing from sight,
Then, obvious to the naked eye,
Yet in the same place.
Head scratching,
I wonder in what dream
I missed it?
I pulse with gratitude,
For small things;
The day, together with you,
Spent drifting, discovering,
diving deep into subterranean caverns
and in those extempore moments, a blinding clarity,
(Always unexpected)
Where I sense things in a word - less epiphany
And feel a fragile one – ness (with you),
For – achingly - brief moments.
But, knowing that such clarity can only be fed,
Intravenous, through the senses,
In measured doses.
Less years
But, now,
More time.
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