My Santiago

Our trek through Kiso's Way, Ringing bells to ward off Kiso Bears; We tread the way of Shoguns!

(22 March 2016)

Tsukubai, stone washbasin, Conveys Zen message at Kyoto’s Ryoan Temple, Built by Mitsukuni Mito, Feudal lord and compiler of Dai-Nippon - Japan's history; "He who learns only to be contended is spiritually rich!"

3rd April 2016

Tsumago's Fujioto ; Shoguns and Samurais slept here, And now our home for two whole days; Sublime!

(21-23 March 2016)

Max's Port Uno café, By the Inland sea, Retro Jazz café; And in bamboo lined rooms We slumber!

(Port Uno - 25-27 March 2016)

At Port Uno’s Unsen, We plunge into Hot baths, Japanese style; Feet thanks us for care!

(Saturday 26th March 2016)

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