My Santiago
Without Love
Without love, We stand exposed, windswept, Embarrassingly naked!
An all too mortal body, Tell-tale signs Of life’s crossroads; The aches, the greyness, the hair sprouting where hair should never grow!
The average brain, Secondhand ideas, Wallowing through peaks of uncertainty, Troughs of confusion, Never knowing, never assured, Eternally doubting!
The soul, Intangible as concrete, Yearning for release, For eternity, Never at peace!
Tawdry possessions, Material but illusory, Senseless things, Limiting affection, conversation, love! These friends, Assessing worth through Make of car, address, package, Capable of doing without, Soon forgotten! This family, These parents, careworn, These brothers never known, These sisters, foresworn, These cousins, outgrown, Filial obligations, duties and ties! And so it comes down to love! Love and it all takes root, Flourishes like gardens after rain showers!
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