May Mundt a Biography
Chapter One All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them – Walt Disney.
Romance and a Woman’s Lot
Wednesday 22 nd March 2023 10 am This story is not one that will follow a linear path. It may get there in the end, wherever that place is but it will move forwards then take sharp U turns and go back then jump ahead but in all this there will always be a degree of bittersweet emotion to the narrative. After all, life is just that. A nuanced combination of the trying and the soaring and beautiful moments, and of course growth through adversity. May was born in 1925, at the Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital in Maleny, in the Hinterland of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia. That makes her 98 years young today. She had 3 sisters and a brother and has outlived all of her siblings. 1925 in Australia was post World War 1, or the War to End All Wars as it was called, where a generation of young Australians, cajoled by the propaganda of the war machine, sadly perished on the Western Front, in France, in faraway places like the Somme, the Marne and Gallipoli. Hard on the heels of the War, a pandemic to dwarf the Covid pandemic took place. This was the Spanish Flu and 50 million people died in this wave of infection. This was 50 million out of a – then - world population of a one billion! 1925 was just a few years shy of the Great Depression, that aftermath of the collapse of post-World War One Germany and the economies of the Western World; reaching all the way to Brisbane and even the tiny hamlet of Maleny,
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