May Mundt a Biography

with whom she was close. May “tolerated” school, had a love of Mathematics but most of all loved the open air and outdoor work. She was a teenager in troubled times in the world and did her growing up between the start of the Phoney War in Europe in 1939, live through the Genocide of the Jews, and celebrated with the rest of the work when war ended in 1945. And yet, with the celebration of war’s end, May endured a bondage of sorts at the hand of her husband. Violence was never far for this 19-year-old and her twenties were spent bearing children working physical hard on the farm and enduring the uncertain temperament of James Mundt. Life was good and life was also fraught with difficult decisions, the most difficult one being leaving her 4 children and walking out. And so we close a remarkable story about an inspirational woman. May has lived and continues to live her life with an element of stoicism and yet she is never negative. To her life is what it is. She does not hold grudges, she acknowledges events, stares them in the eyes and lets them drift. Even as May edges closer to that century, she is bright and interested and caring. She wakes to life each morning and lives her days. There are lessons to be learned from May’s attitude to life.


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