Math IA
B umpy B eginnings Fast forward to the next morning. Don’t pay too much attention to the passing of time in stories, it is utterly confusing, the understanding of it brings no enlightenment to anyone. Simply accept it was the morning, and enjoy what follows. The sun was shining, birds were chirping, you know the drill. Bonnie was the first to rise, and it didn’t take long for her to discover the intruder in her humble abode;; in fact, it took her precisely 24 seconds. “ What the schnitzel? ” (This is not, in fact, what Bonnie actually said. She said a word that was far worse. But for the sake of offending few and pleasing many, I have replaced the profanity with a widely- adored Australian delicacy.) “Who are you?!” Byron woke with a start, shocked at the sight of an enraged woman yelling in his face, nearly knocking a rustic silver clock off the table beside him. “I’m B-Byron” Byron stammered, shaking himself awake and narrowing his eyes to shield against the morning light streaming through the tiny caravan windows. “What time is it? Where am I? Who… are you ?” Bonnie scowled crossly. “Could be asking the same of you, mate. What d’you think you’re doing, sleeping in someone else’s trailer? You a delinquent? Should I even ask… look at those clothes!” It was at this point that Bonnie stopped shaking her finger in Byron’s face, and instead began pacing, mumbling to herself. “Absolutely ridiculous… these kids, no respect for personal property. I’m gonna be late for work, that’s never happened before and I’m not about to let it happen now.” “I- I’m so sorry,” Byron stuttered nervously, embarrassed. “I don’t want to get in your way of getting to work but if I could just stay here for-” “Who do you think you are?” Bonnie yelled. “Do you realise that some folks might not be as lenient as me?” “Hardly,” Byron muttered under his breath. He cleared his throat. “I don’t mean to offend, but I do kinda feel like you’re overreacting a bit. If you’d just let me explain-” “How dare you talk to me like that!” Bonnie exclaimed. “You really don’t get it, do you? You can’t just go around sleeping in random people’s houses. Besides, you look like you haven’t had a shower in months!” “Well you see, it’s part of this vibe I’ve got going-” Bonnie was perplexed, to say the least. She didn’t care for vibes, or chakras, or any of the ‘spiritual riff-raff’ that Byron seemed to enjoy. She preferred crosswords in the newspaper and early nights and cups of green tea. “How could anyone live like that?” she questioned, sounding scandalised. “Hey!” he interjected angrily, quick to jump to the defence of his chosen lifestyle. “A year of adventure may not be for everyone, but could you give me a break here? I’ve been through a rough patch this week in terms of makeshift accommodation and I only found a camping site today, so I don’t appreciate that you -”. Of course, we won’t know what Byron was
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