Math IA
Kylie was not happy.
Giving a sharp glare, she stormed out of the building. She was drenched, her favourite jumpsuit was ruined and she could smell the strong scent of coffee- which she did not like. What a great way to start my day… The doors behind her swung open and the man came out. ‘I’m so sorry! My pet… It was an accident. Let me help you.’ Kylie rolled her eyes and turned away, ignoring him. He was the last person she wanted to see right now. ‘Come on, it can’t be that bad.’ Kylie turned around at pointed at her coffee covered jumpsuit. ‘See, it’s fine...’ he joked. Kylie was still angry. But the man, however, began swinging his arms happily and clicked to the beat of a song: ‘In every life we have some trouble, But when you worry you make it double, Don’t worry, be happy...’ She turned around and the man was smiling hopefully at her, but she just glared back at him angrily. Sharply turning on her heel, Kylie brushed forcefully past him and pushed open the large glass doors of the daycare centre to get some paper towels to dry herself off. Suddenly, he grabbed her hand, and Kylie spun around to face him in protest, when the doors which she had pushed open swung closed into the back of her head. Kylie felt suddenly dizzy, the world around her seemed to blur. ‘Easy, you okay?’ The man questioned with a slightly worried tone, his voice sounding fuzzy and Kylie feeling lightheaded. She stumbled and fell on top of the mystery man, pushing them both onto the ground of the daycare carpark. It took a minute before the world stopped spinning and he came back into focus. He was laughing profusely at what had just happened. ‘I hate you.’ said Kylie strongly, but he just continued to laugh. His smile was kind of reassuring and in the back of her mind, she thought she recognized his laugh.
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