Math IA
Chapter One Peering out of his muddied window, Alister frowned as he took in the dismal surroundings that he called home. The rancid stench of smoke circled his idle body, commonplace after pollution had infiltrated every facet of Sydney life. The steaming sour smell filled his lungs and burned his eyes. He could feel the trash under his feet as he glided down the stairs, his mother’s words fresh in his mind as he tied his frayed laces. “Alister, our family has lived as protectors of the earth and soil for generations. We have failed, but from failure, success can bloom” He rolled his eyes at the sentiment, ‘How am I supposed do any better when we have the same resources, especially now the council has turned its back on us?’ Banishing the distressing thoughts from hi s mind he turned to make himself another cup of coffee. Alister sighed as he grabbed his damaged keys, stepping outside into the thick smog. He positioned himself in the direction of the familiar grey alcove where he had worked for years. His mind wandered as he travelled down the littered streets. Alister glanced down at his silver , rusted locket as it swung freely in the warm breeze, brushing up against his dirty clothes. He peered at it, admiring the detailing he could still make out amongst the rust. The locket had been in his family for generations, back when working for the council was considered a prestigious position in society. Council workers were in charge of safeguarding the environment and the people of Sydney had admired them. However, after the sudden epidemic they were the ones blamed for not preventing this crisis and became viewed as not much better than the place they were trying to restore. His mother had given him this locket to remind him of his duty, and to give him hope that the environment could still be restored. ‘We have failed, even robots are trusted more than us,’ he declared. He couldn’t bare to think of the current situation. He gradually closed his eyes as he rested on his bench, made completely out of rubbish, hoping that this was only a dream.
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