Math IA
CHAPTER TWO Outside the Plane
In trepidation, Finn approached the kangaroo. It was a moment he had been waiting for his whole life – from seeing cartoon kangaroos in the yellowing pages of his childhood, to spotting photographs of them embellishing his Instagram feed in his adulthood – yet nothing could prepare him for the sighting of one in the flesh. Its fur shone under the midday sun, and Finn couldn’t help but notice a patch of white on its belly. He was all but a bundle of adoration when suddenly, his eyes caught that of the kangaroo’s; in all its pricked-up ears and poised head glory. With a quick flurry of fur and limbs, the kangaroo had already hopped a few metres away. Finn couldn’t help but crack into a smile, thinking that it resembled a boxing champion retreating to its corner - just like the ones he saw on his TV back home in the states. Yet, it would be one that he could grapple in his hold. He couldn’t wait to tell all his friends back in Jersey about his Australian adventure! He would be a hero for sure; like Crocodile Dundee! A few feet away, Barry watched with amusement from the hot tin of the terminal. This wasn’t something you see every day! he thought to himself. Thankfully enough for his comedy career, he had also brought his notebook out with him. This was great material for a comedy set-up. A Mexican standoff, of sorts, without the Mexican. Barry could almost hear the classic Wild West music. It was at that very moment, that a poised, and ready Finn leapt at his opportunity (quite literally!). Yet, his best catch of the day to date managed to dash away from his unshaven arms like his short-lived dream of Aussie greatness, leaving only red dust and a cackling Barry in its wake. However, unbeknownst to him, Finn was a man of great determination. If this was a game of cat and mouse, Finn as already racing to the startling line. Here and there, the twosome darted, until the tourist’s lungs were as empty as the terminal on a Tuesday. It only took one final kick in the stomach, to send Finn flying backwards. However, determined to have the final say, the tourist did not back down. Instead, he got back up, dusted the dirt off his khaki, and charged once more at the kangaroo. Yet, rather than befriending the fauna, it was the flora’s home which he became known to.
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