Math IA
“I got you again! Mate, you are so gullible! I should write these down to use at the RASCC competition. It’d be a winner for sure!” Barry swore that he had never seen a tourist more perplexed in his life. Not with the befuddling timetables, or to find the bathroom - nothing. “You mean that’s real?” he exclaimed, exasperated beyond belief. “Yeah mate, real as.” “Wow! I’ve always wanted to touch a real-life kangaroo! Do you reckon I could catch it?” A hefty laugh erupted from Barry’s belly into the hollow terminal. “Yeah right. Listen mate, if you can catch that kangaroo, I'll eat my hat.” A new idea suddenly shuffled into his brain, leaving Barry jostled. At this stage, the fellow was beyond himself – grinning from ear to ear. “Even better -” he cried out. “I’ll let you take your rods on board.” “Really?” Finn looked like he was about to explode with excitement. Barry snickered. “Give it a go, mate. Why not?” “I’ve always wanted to try an Aussie pastime!” Finn exclaimed. “Wait, mate - that’s not something we d-” Yet before Barry knew it, let alone could finish his sentence, the American was sprinting through the automatic doors sun-free sanctuary and into the red dirt wasteland. Yet, it was an enthusiasm Barry no longer shared; for this time, he sensed in his Tim-Tam clogged heart, that he had taken a joke too far - and not through a plane to another state. “Bugger it,” he grumbled under his breath. Despite knowing the demise set before his fellow man, Barry couldn’t help but think; this as not a sight he wanted to miss.
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