Math IA
“You said I can’t take them through but -” “I said you can’t take them through. No arguments. Sorry mate, you’ll just have to get new ones. Now, I'm finished with your passport. You can go and take a seat.” Finn’s eyes darted around the empty terminal. The only seat available was a chair in front of Barry’s desk. “Where should I sit?” he inquired. Barry gestured to the chair. “You’ll have to sit there, I’m afraid. We were supposed to get new seats in a year ago, so we threw the old ones out, but they never came. Typical Australia Post. Anyways, it’s not so bad. You’ve got a good view, after all,” he joked, gesturing to his chest, puffed with pride. “There’s more where that came from!” “I’m something of a comedian, it’s been said,” he continued. “Founding member of the Redrock Airport Staff Comedy Club. Won silver in the annual RASCC competition last year.” Finn settled down in his seat. Intrigue seeped into his voice, as he exclaimed an excited “Who won?” Barry grimaced. “Wakowski, unfortunately. Check-in guy. Never shows up. Not even a member until he showed up at the competition - thought it was just a normal day at work he did. Tripped on his way in. Was enough to get the crowd in fits.” Finn’s eyebrows perked up. “Get a whole crowd for that?” “Uh...Yeah...I mean if you count the passengers out back waiting. They didn’t really anticipate the show, but they were, and that’s what counts. Anyways, I’m determined to win this year. Leave the past in the past, y’know? Bit of a struggle practicing here all on my lonesome though.” Finn gave him a sympathetic nod and glanced around. “Not much material to work with here, is there?” “Nah mate, not much at all.” Suddenly, a curious commotion bubbled up outside the yellowing terminal walls. The two men perked up from their seats instinctively; only to see a kangaroo – nimble and innocent, yet still enough to block a staggering commercial plane. It was enough to set Finn’s eyes alight. “Woah!” he exclaimed breathlessly. “Is that a real kangaroo?” Barry was one to leap at any opportunity to crack a joke; and this was no exception. “Nah,” he snickered. “Just a fake we put there for fun.”
Just like a QANTAS plane, however, the joke flew right over Finn’s head. “Right. Australian culture and all that,” he sighed. Barry guffawed in disbelief.
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