Math IA
It came out as more of a question rather than an answer. He allowed himself a momentary pause, before the grin rose once more upon his face. “I registered them ‘specially with the airport, so I should be able to take them through.” Barry leaned back into the crevice of his chair. “Oh well then, that should be fine. Just go register them at the other desk and come back, alright mate?” “Thanks buddy!” And with that, Finn set off to do another lap of the terminal. Barry remained, chortling. Americans are so gullible! This is my best work yet! He thought smugly to himself. He decided to jot it down in his notebook. That was, until Finn arrived back at his desk.
“Find it?” Barry asked. At this point, he was hardly able to keep a straight face. “No,” Finn replied, defeated. “Maybe he’s on lunch.” Barry widened his eyes in disbelief. How could somebody be so gullible? “No mate, I’m the only one here. I said that.” He shook his head. “Anyway, I don’t know how to do that registering thing so according to my protocol, but there is one thing I’m sure of; you can’t take them through.” Finn’s mouth fell ajar in protest. “But I -” Barry stood erect from his chair. “A-a-a-a! what did I say?”
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