Math IA
CHAPTER ONE Outside the Terminal
It was a typical outback day in Central Australia - not a cloud in sight, and bathed in golden sunlight. The only shelter from the scorching heat was the tiny tin airport terminal; a slither of silver amongst the red dirt expanse. From afar, the building was blinding, as light bounced off the dull metal. It was here, under the aggressive noon sun, that Finn Foster decided to fly to Tasmania. You see, Finn had been invited to compete in Australia’s Next Top Fisherman , (more affectionately known as ANTF). It was something he had dreamed of since his father gifted him his first rod.
Upon the dawning of the afternoon, Finn’s bulbous stomach growled. Finn had always loved lunchtime; and right now, he couldn’t think of any better way to prepare for the competition than reclining in Seat 14 E and enjoying a nice tuna sandwich. So, he hoisted his backpack straps a little higher and hummed a little louder to the crunching drumbeat of his shoes on the red gravel. ‘ If this is spring in Australia, I wonder how hot summer is!’ He wondered.
Inside the Terminal
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