Math IA
Suddenly, Dad started leaping and bounding with excitement, “I have the perfect item for this situation!” and he ran over to one of the storage chests and started to rummage through until he finally pulled out 6 different spacesuits, “I bought these on eBay a while ago and I didn’t have any good use for them… until now!” We suited up and set out to meet up with Neil. It felt so weird walking outside in the near zero gravity we all leaped and bound over to the lone astronaut who was investigating a strange cave deep below the lunar surface. Upon approaching the entrance, I couldn’t help but notice strange markings and characters on the walls. Neil hopped over to us “Uhm, who are you guys mean to be?” he sounded very confused. “You’re not supposed to be here, where did you come from? Why are you here? And is that a Tasmanian tiger?” “Woah dude calm down” Dad said, “We just got chased out of Western Australia by a mob of emus but lucky for us Ebenzo, here is a time travelling Tasmanian tiger and he brought us here.” Suddenly a deep rumble came from down the cave, and footsteps could be felt getting closer and closer until “Blarg!” a giant one-eyed green beast stood before us. Without second thought we all jumped towards the exit with the alien close in pursue. “Quickly!” shouted Ebenzo, “all aboard the Mammoth!” we all got on, except for Neil, who we left outside. “I’m sure he’ll be right” Ebenzo said as he opened a new portal. “away we go!” and we flew into the portal and into our new destination. “I think we are deserving some nice relaxation after all this action. How about Italy?” As soon as Ebenzo said this we were whisked away to another time. I had no idea where we were. Well when I guess, but the first thing we did was shrink the Mammoth, so no one saw it. So much for ‘Mammoth’. However, Mum once again salvaged her voice recorder and whispered furiously into it. Dad was combing what little hair he had, swiping non-existent dust off. As Quentin looked around, when a sudden shout startled us. “Benvenuto! Welcome! Ebenzo it is so good to see you! Who have you brought with you today!” Standing in a doorway was a wiry man with a prickly beard and messy hair. “Who are you?” Dad asked. “Why, I am Leonardo Da Vinci, but my friends call me Leo. You, little man, cannot call me Leo, but everyone else can.” We all laughed at Dad’s expense. We walked into Leo’s workshop and see all sorts of contraptions and devices. My Mum went into full reporter mode. “Leo, what do you do? What are your current projects?” “Well, I am an inventor, painter, sculptor, architect, scientist and much more. And you,” he said pointing to Quentin, “look like my next inspiration. My new muse!” He exclaimed enthusiastically. “Muse? Me?” Quentin said, looking incredulous while pointing at himself. Chapter 7
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