Math IA
Chapter 6
The portal closed behind us. “Phew!” said Ebenzo, “Those sure were some angry emus, but lucky for us I think we can rest knowing that there are no more emus here” I looked out the window, the surface was grey and dusty like layers of ash. Looking at the sky, I could see the stars clearer than ever before. I turned towards the horizon and I saw the earth rising over us. We were on the moon.
As we were all gaping and gasping over our new environment, Mum pointed out something else ahead of us. Ebenzo butted in. “Why that looks like the Apollo 11! That must mean we’re in… 1969! And who’s that? None other than Neil Armstrong of course! we should go pay him a visit!” Quentin butted in, “I hate to burst your bubble Ebenzo, but how are we meant to go out with him if we don’t have suits, I mean a human can only last a couple of minutes out in space so what are we going to do?”
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