Math IA
“he’s a bloody nice one, mate lucky to ‘ave im” said Ned Kelly while petting Rory, he had the strongest Aussie accent I had ever heard, I was having trouble understanding the man. “Th-thanks,” I uttered with a hint of fear. “Is something wrong?” “I’ve heard some stories about you, they say you’ve … done things” “come now mate, not everything you hear is true” said Ned in a stern voice Our conversation quickly ended as I heard someone running from behind me. I was expecting it to be Mum, but it wasn’t, Dad was there. He’s normally reserved and stays back so I was really confused. I could hear a faint scream from him “A snake bit Mum and she can’t move” I knew I should have been scared but I really wasn’t. It was my Mum and she’s never scared so I wasn’t scared for her. Dad finally caught up to me. Dad explained what happened to Mum so quickly he was stumbling over words. When Dad finally finished talking, Ned said, “Maybe this’ll help?” as he whipped out a vial from his pocket. I was expecting Dad to say no and get Ebenzo to take us to a hospital. He didn’t though. Dad took the vial and ran towards the Mammoth where Mum and Quentin were sitting. I had never seen him run so fast. Dad rushed to grab a needle from his beautician kit, proud his trade had finally come in handy. He removed the clear liquid from the vial into the needle and smoothly injected it in Mum’s arm. Mum started hyperventilating. The vial didn’t help. We were waiting, and nothing happened. Until, a moment later, she stopped hyperventilating and she started walking around like there was nothing ever wrong.
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