Math IA
After nudging Quentin repeatedly to get him moving and enduring Mum’s blabbering about Egypt, we entered the intriguing Globe Theatre. Although it was not the prestigious, modern atmosphere you might find at the theatre today, it was brilliant! The Elizabethan architecture so old yet so new in this instance was intriguing, everything was handcrafted and it was truly beautiful. A group of people gathered in the audience of the circular courtyard. The peasants were on the floor whilst the royalty sat up on higher balconies until we saw good Queen Bess herself. It seemed like the only way to pass time was in the theatre, but we couldn’t fit in the dirty pit of peasants. Being the natural explorers we were, we sneakily devised a plan to make our way up to the higher levels unnoticed. Quentin suggested that we just walk up the stairs like nothing unusual was happening. As smart as Quentin is (he is a digital artist), that idea was just plain stupid. Dad chipped in too, saying that we should ‘borrow’ some clothes to fit in. It was a struggle to find any other alternative, so we went with it. We cleverly managed to scare off some snooty fancy-pants barons using Ebenzo (you should have seen their wrinkly faces). Their clothes didn’t fit us, but it didn’t matter because Dad was having a stroppy freak-out about the fabric. But as soon as we managed to get to the top floor, Quentin saw Shakespeare himself and dropped his iPad. All eyes were on us. Just as things couldn’t get worse, Dad’s phone rang. Bagpipes. Why bagpipes. Mum let off a chuckle before the Mammoth came bursting through the doors of the theatre, providing us with an escape from this place and time. When we got inside and started flying away, and Mum started podcasting again. “It was a shame that we couldn’t see more of Romeo and Juliet. Romeo seemed like such an interesting character.” As soon as Mum said that, the humming started again. “You think that’s an interesting character? Get ready for this…,” said Ebenzo as a familiar white light engulfed my vision. Chapter 4 We jumped out of Mammoth. It was hot and dry and we could a faintly the repeated bang of gunshots Ebenzer yelped “Comeeeee onnnnn slooow coaaachess, Lettt’ssss Goooo!!!!!!!”. I spotted a man sprintting the distance. He had a huge grizzly, mangled beard, all wiry and ash black that reminded me of someone I learnt about in school, Ned Kelly. “Get a move on!”, Mum said, “We need to hide in the bush, now!” The bush was all rough and prickly , and I tried not to think about the countless creepy crawlies which could bite me and slip into my pants right now. The man who looked like Ned Kelly was edging getting closer. Mum looked like she was going through some huge epiphany. Eventually, she said “THAT’S NED KELLY!!” I was right, he didn’t just look like Ned Kelly, and he was!!
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