Math IA
After a peaceful train ride where Penelope not only offered her seat to elderly people, but also offering to help them disembark the time travelling train. Elias, Hunter and Penelope arrived back at Bondi beach, right where they had started their enlightening journey. “Well, this is us” said Hunter with finality as they left the train. “And this is where i leave you” Elias said tearfully “I’m going to miss you guys” “So am I,” Penelope announced with more than a little emotion. The three time travelling companions stood (and floated) silently for a moment, as each of them reflected on the days events. As soon as Elias left, time unfroze, and all of Hunters volunteers were staring open-mouthed at her. She frowned as she tried to figure out why, and then it clicked, she had been a horrible person and told all of these people that she didn’t care about the environment, only money. She smiled and said; “I’m sorry, I don’t know what happened there, but I would love to support the turtles, I am willing to help you as much as possible” “Are you sure? If so, we would love it if you could become our ambassador for our turtle protection program,” Hunter questioned.
“Of course!” she exclaimed, catching Hunters eye, “where would we be without charity and kindness”.
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