Math IA
Penelope couldn’t understand how this had all changed in so little time, the beach had completely changed. It went from being the famous Bondi Beach known for its incredible surf and sand, to a beach piled high with pollution. She was distracted by the poster until she was startled by joyful barking and the tinkle of a bell from a dogs’ collar. Wagging its tail, a wet, ruffled black and white Dalmatian puppy appeared from the bushes on the left side of the beach. As the puppy ran up to her, Penelope knelt and was immediately covered in kisses from the dog’s small tongue. Penelope picked her up and scratched her behind her ears as she read the nametag written on the dog’s blue weathered collar. “Hey there Patch, how are you doing girl? Hunter and Elias looked on in surprise. They didn’t realize that Penelope had such a love for dogs nor did they think she had any kindness at all. But as they watched her play and snuggle with the small puppy, they realized she could change and maybe she would have the heart to change the rest of the world for the better. As if they had predicted it, Penelope looked up at them with a sad look in her eye. “Do you know who this dog belongs too?” she asked. Hunter and Elias shook their heads in unison. “Well if you don’t mind I think I’m going to take her home with me. This little girl deserves a good home and lots of hugs.” Penelope said. “I’m sorry Penelope but that’s not how time travel works. You can’t take things between dimensions. It messes with the laws of reality,” Elias said. Penelope was startled, “But what's going to happen to her? Won’t she die out here all alone, without family, food or shelter?” “Penelope, you don't understand. This is not real. This is what the future would look like if people continued to act the way that they do. If they continued not to care about the environment, or animals or even each other. But it can all be stopped with your help. All you have to do is begin to care and you can change the future,” Elias replied kindly.
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