Math IA
Our joy is quickly subsided by the loud growling of the yellow Camaro. I turn to see him - Chad. His denim jacket is gone now and he seems somewhat diminished without the fur lining broadening his silhouette. “I can’t believe it… it’s Chad AGAIN!” I exclaim to my family. Taking no notice of the flock of birds settled in the dust he drives in with a riot of noise. With the speed of lightning he is out of the car and running towards me. He looks at me with vicious eyes and I spin to look for cover but there is nothing but spinifex and ant hills. Facing my attacker, he reaches out to grab me but I dive and dodge each blow. I feel the adrenaline rush through my body and reel in anger. How dare he try to snatch me? One thought cemented in my mind, I must get them away from my family. I move over through the field and aim for the bushes. I can lose him in the bushes. Chad won’t be able to follow me through the thick bushy land ahead and so I take off slithering quickly across the field. Half way across I heard the footsteps approaching behind me, I turn my head and hiss, showing my fangs as a threat. I think to myself, Perfect! They are away from my family. Janine will look after them . Reacting to my hiss, they step back and hesitate. Using this opportunity, I zoom off into my fast slither again, dodging rocks and sticks obstructing my path. I reach the edge of the bush but they are closing up behind me quick. Thinking it would work like before, I turn my head in attempt to hiss and show my fangs again, yet this time they were ready. Chad’s side-kick, a man with thick muscular arms and a brown vest that read Animal Catcher, grabbed my tail. I feel helpless. I struggle in his grasp, but it is hopeless. Darkness consumed me as he placed a thick bag over my head. I feel a big thump as I am thrown into a cold cage and into the boot of the car. Darkness...
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