Math IA
“Hey, don’t feel bad.” Byron said sympathetically. “All my stuff from my backpack was still in the caravan when it rolled off the cliff so I guess my entire life was in there as well.” “I guess that we’ll have to rebuild everything. There’s nowhere to go but up. And even though I lost my home,” she hesitated before continuing, “I think I found something more important. And plus,” she added, “in retrospect, this morning was rather EMUsing.” They shared a laugh together as the sun set over the sandy horizon (and yes, this is an extremely clich é ending but don’t worry, it gets cheesier), realising that hope was not lost just yet and that in reality they both had so much to work off of. Even though they were looking at a clean slate, metaphorically and physically, they could build up a new life from the beginning. And the best part is, neither was alone. Despite their disastrous meeting, they had been through thick and thin during the short yet tumultuous period that their adventure spanned. They were roped in together, by choice this time. Let’s leap two years into the future, when the duo had started a tourism business together. The company headquarters were set on the coast of northern Australia in a small town called Cardwell. From the office building, that Bonnie designed and built, they had a clear view of the ocean and a boat ramp where Byron takes visitors over to the island where the two met. They are both complete, Byron’s sense of adventure has never dampened and Bonnie’s hard working spirit will never cease from her can-do personality. And Eddie, well let’s just say his emu-tions are running wild.
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