Math IA
B etter Things B eyond With nowhere else to go forward, they had to go back. However, since no one knew where they were, they followed the tyre tracks from the red caravan that had recently met its untimely demise. After a short power nap, they awoke and stood up to discuss their next move. Unsurprisingly, Eddie had stayed true to his capricious nature, and was nowhere to be seen. After a very long walk back, the duo ended up back at the caravan park where Bonnie and Byron first met just that morning. The pair, exhausted after walking back to the trailer park, collapsed together on the spot of unnaturally even grass where Bonnie’s caravan had sat for so long. “I don’t know what I’m going to do,” Bonnie reflected sorrowfully. “I built my whole life from that little caravan, and now it’s all gone.”
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