Leprechauns: The Truth

camping site. If they were true it would mean big things for the village that sat close by. It would also mean big things for Bobblina; this would be her first big scoop as a journalist and she desperately wanted to impress her boss, who was her biggest critic and never satisfied with her work. She pulled up pictures of the campsite on her laptop. It was big and sat at the bottom of the mountain. There were hundreds of caves in the mountain, all intertwined and, if she was lucky, home to millions of dollars of gold that could make her career. She had to be the first journalist to cover this story. The closest hotel to the campsite was three hours away. This excited her ; she’d always loved the outdoors and now she got to camp out in nature and not worry about having to drive to the campsite, adding hours of driving and road rage to what would be an already packed schedule. She skipped downstairs, excited to dig out her old camping gear. Her parents kept all their belongings stacked up in the shed and she dug through the containers. She finally found the tent squished underneath boxes of clothes and toys from her childhood. It was old and musty, but this didn’t dampen her excitement . She smiled to herself and grabbed it. Then she headed upstairs and got ready for her trip the next day. She had to get this story, no matter what. Chapter 3: Something’s Going On Bobblina got out her stuff from the van and walked over to the nice, shady patch of lush green grass behind the cave. “Lovely,” she whispered to herself as she looked up at the brilliant blue sky and felt the warmth of the golden sun as it bronzed her pale skin. She dumped her tent gear onto the ground and decided to lie down and take a break after the 2-hour drive. Bobblina drowned in the soft gras s and looked up at the patterned clouds. Slowly, her eyes began to flutter shut and she let her mind go to rest, falling asleep in the colourful new world. Soon after, Bobblina awoke to the noisy sound of some people emerging from the campsite office. She thought she almost saw the glossy brown hair of her rival neighbour. ‘ No, ’ she thought, ‘that’s impossible ! ’ However, the unmistakable voice of Bryan Carter confirmed her biggest nightmare. Bobble was mortified, she risked a peek and leaned out from the cave, which she cowered behind. Standing there like an adored celebrity, which he was in a way, the unquestionable figure of Bryan Carter, with his shiny, brown hair and short appearance, stood less than 100 meters away. Bobblina sunk back into the shadows of the cave and took a deep breath. “Ugh,” she scoffed “does he have to follow me around everywhere! There is not enough hate in this world to express how much I hate that guy!”


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