Junior School Magazine - Edition 6
Y ear 6 P ersuasive E xposition - T rash
The world needs a huge clear up and we should start with large trash heaps, such as Behala. Trash is slowly destroying the earth. The vast amount of trash in the world is polluting and killing the environment as well as humanity. Did you know that 1.3 billion tonnes of household trash is generated per year? Imagine how much of this waste ends up on dumpsites such as Behala. Every year 8 million tonnes of garbage from all around the world is added to our oceans; 80% of this trash is from mainland waste. Ocean pollution is a big threat to the world. The ocean plays an essential role for life on earth. It provides over 70% of the oxygen we breathe and over 97% of the worlds water supply. Pollution does not only effect marine life but also man kind. Toxic chemicals are entering the ocean daily. Chemicals in polluted water can contaminate water and food chains through marine life. Even when trash is disposed of properly, it still does damage. The breakdown of organic materials in landfill produces excessive amounts of methane gas, contributing to the rise in greenhouse gases. Also representing 12% of the total global methane emissions. Trash in landfills release methane gas which contribites to climate cahnge and global warming. It needs to stop! Trash is not just litter; its also a slow, toxic poison to us and the environment. Exposure to chemicals in trash, especially plastics, have been linked to increased alleigies, cancer, diseases and possibly chemical poisoning. Be cautious, because your garbage can be very harmful. In the final analysis, the world’s excessive amount of trash is destroying the earth. For these reasons, we need to help bring an end to this torture we are inflicting on the world. One day it could be left in a critiacl condition. We need to make a change and contribute to making a better world in which we live. This is our home that we are polluting it. We can be it’s salvation.
A thena A gnew Y ear 6L
JSM Edition 6
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