Junior School Magazine - Edition 6
E scape from P ompeii One unusually hot August day, the Roman city of Pompeii was starting like any other. The citizens of Pompeii were starting their daily life. At the harbour, you could spot all of the fishermen sailing back on the sparkling Bay of Naples with all their rich catches. However, the most beautiful thing about Pompeii was hiding behind all the Roman buildings, our gentle protector, Mt Vesuvius. Tranio was at the amphitheatre watching all the actors, sword-fighters and acrobats getting ready for a pantomime. Meanwhile, Livia was at the fountain collecting water for her mother, when all of a sudden a loud rumble came from Mt Vesuvius. Then everyone fell silent. Suddenly Livia jumped up and immediately ran to the safety of the harbour. Even though Tranio was petrified, he sprinted out of the tumbling theatre ducking and weaving from the falling rocks above. Tranio ran to Livia’s house desperate to find her, but the search was in vain. After a while, Tranio decided to run to the safety of the harbour. When Tranio arrived at the harbour, out of the corner of his eye, Tranio spied Livia’s distinctive curly hair and immediately sprinted to her, turned Livia around and pulled her to the direction of an empty boat. Tranio and Livia leapt into the boat. The dancing waves sent them off the harbour and out away from Pompeii. They were still coughing and choking from the billowing smoke. As Vesuvius toxic sulphur gas flew through Pompeii like a bullet flying through the air, the sky lights up like fireworks. Mt Vesuvius was raining pumice from above; burning cinders are everywhere you step. Blazing lava and fires fill Pompeii. People’s lungs fill with ash. Tranio and Livia stare at Vesuvius; destruction of their homeland was everywhere. Will Tranio and Livia ever see their beloved city again?
S arah N ickels Y ear 4F
JSM Edition 6
Page 45
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