Junior School Magazine - Edition 6
E scape from P ompeii One unusually humid August day in the city of Pompeii: The day started like any other day. In the noisy Roman Village, the persuasive tradesmen encouraged passing people to buy their gorgeous goods. Wooden boats went out of the glimmering turquoise harbour. They came in with bottles of wine and pigment. Tranio was at the amphitheatre watching his dad rehearse. He was also looking at the pantomimes. Meanwhile, his best friend Livia was at the harbour watching the fishermen bring in their rich catches out of their boat. Suddenly rocks started falling. There was a rumble coming out of Mount Vesuvius. Then everything fell silent. Tranio dashed out of the amphitheatre. He went to the bakery to search for Livia however, she wasn’t there. He spotted Livia’s curly hair near the harbour. He turned her in the direction of the shore. Out of the corner of his eye, Tranio spotted a wooden boat. He pulled Livia towards the boat. They got in and immediately started sailing away. Tranio put a woven blanket over his head to protect himself from the flying pumice. They stared at their beautiful village falling apart. Will they ever see their village how they remembered it again?
A driana S mith Y ear 4F
JSM Edition 6
Page 43
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