Junior School Magazine - Edition 6
V isions of H ope - continued
A stupid dream. So now I am back to being good Felicity, I have not attempted to see again, nor have I attempted to explain how I saw that night. I will never forget what had happened but I refused to believe that it meant anything. A couple of weeks later, I was out collecting the groceries for the week from the car, when I sensed the presence of somebody crying. This time I heard a man. I barely got within three metres of him when I start to feel dizzy and then my breath came in short bursts and in an instant, I was paralysed and I couldn’t move. I was seeing. I wasn’t dreaming. I saw the sun setting to the west. I saw my family bickering over who would carry the bags, completely oblivious to the blind girl and the crying man standing in front of them. Underneath the happiness of seeing again, I felt pain and sadness just like the first time. The man I was inside of spoke “I am sorry - I just am so sad and lonely. My wife and two children have just died.” I need to get back to my body fast. I try moving but I am paralysed. I hear myself saying, “is there anything I can do to help?”. Even though I was in his body, it was me, not him talking. The man replies, “you should run home now it is getting dark.” And just like that he stops crying and whistles to himself as he walks the opposite direction. I feel that same dizzying feeling and just like that I was back in my body. I ran to my room as fast as I could. When I got there, I lay on my bed and found a note on my bed reading: Please come alone! The note was in Braille. How did the writer know I was blind? I am astounded yet again but I do as the mysterious note says. I set my alarm for 11:50 and tip toe down the stairs. The whole house seems silent as I hear all the clocks in the house chime at once at midnight. I enter the garden warily and open my ears. The garden seems to come alive and before I know it I hear a voice: Meet me in your garden at midnight.
Your parents did a horrible deed and they paid a toll. The toll of losing their daughter’s sight.
You have been born blind and will stay that way until you make up for that deed.
If you want your sight back, you must help anyone who needs it.
That is why you can see through the eyes of people who need help.
Help them and bit by bit you will regain the power of sight. No words form in my mouth then I hear a whooshing sound and I know the voice has disappeared. What horrible deed did my parents do? I will find out later but for now I know what I must do, if I want to be able to see...
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JSM Edition 6
Page 23
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