Junior School Magazine - Edition 6
W hat G oes U p N ever C omes D own The wind howled as dark storm clouds loomed over me. “How long until we arrive?” I moaned at my Mum. “I don’t know! My GPS has lost connection!” Mum replied. My friend Lizzie sighed. “I guess we’ll get there when we get there.” And that was the last thing I heard before I blacked out. I dreamt about being on a 3-hour car trip with my friend Lizzie. After several hours of driving we finally got to the new theme park that had been greatly advertised in The Daily Magazine. Everything was how it was described except for one thing - it wasn’t new. Tattered old-fashioned rollercoasters zoomed in and out of the clouds, old popcorn carts with creepy men who had no teeth sold corndogs and deflated kids bouncy-castles lay sprawled over the hard cement. Lizzie immediately raced over to the fastest, highest and scariest rollercoaster in the theme park and jumped first in line. A hooded man said to us, “What goes up never comes down on this ride!” Surely, he’s joking. “What goes up MUST come down. He’s probably just trying to scare us… Right?” I whispered in Lizzie’s ear. Lizzie ignored me and clambered into the first seat. The carriage creaked at her arrival. Cautious thoughts ran through my head, but I ignored them. “And off we go!” screamed Lizzie. White clouds covered our bodies as we ducked in and out of the clouds. Screaming, we did loops around the sky going upside down, sideways and more. I closed my eyes the whole time. “Maddison,” questioned the worried voice of Lizzie. “You can open you’re eyes now. I opened my eyes to see clouds everywhere. “AARGH! Where are we?” I screamed. Cloud is not a solid substance, so I was shocked to see that we were standing on it like solid ground. “How are we going to get down?!” I shouted at Lizzie. “Well, he did warn us,” whispered the frightened girl. “3, 2, 1,” the man’s deep voice echoed around us then suddenly, everything went black. A small light flickered on and off as I realised we were in a maze. “Wait! I know this maze like the back of my hand. This is Filzuckers Maze! But, it’s a bit different,” said Lizzie.” Obviously, we are in the centre of the maze. Can you work through it backwards?” I stated hopefully. “I will try. Anything to get us out of this horrible maze!” And with that thought I worked my way through the maze like a piece of cake. After ages of walking, taking wrong turns and chatting the pair came to a blue slide that they slid down with glee. THUMP! Our shoes hit the hard- concrete floor. Both Lizzie and I would NEVER ignore a sign again. I soon found Lizzie shaking me awake. We were here.
L ily H anson Y ear 5W
JSM Edition 6
Page 21
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