Junior School Magazine - Edition 6

W ho A m I? Born in Warsaw in 1867,

A good education was a struggle, I was destined for great things, As a secret educator I had to smuggle. When my mum and sister died, My heart was like shattered glass, Defeated, deflated and depressed, But this grief did eventually pass. I travelled to Sorbonne to study, Because I admired my father, He shared his interest in science, Physics and chemistry, I would rather. It was in France I met my love, Together, the Nobel Prize we won, I discovered Polonium and Radium, But Pierre died before our work was done. Boom! My second Nobel Prize, In 1911, created quite a splash, My achievement danced around the world,

Making me famous in a flash. A remarkable woman I was, I was often known by my name, My mobile X-rays were amazing, My discoveries brought me fame.

Marie Curie

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