Junior School Magazine - Edition 6 (NOV 2018)
T he W ishing W ell One wet day a boy called Bart who was wearing a jacket that had leather sleeves, black pants and a watch. He was 18 and he was waltzing to get some water from a well. When he was about 2 inches away from the well he stumbled over a rock and fell in the well head first. He would of won the bomb diving competition but then he saw a shark shimmering in the water. He figured out what it was, IT WAS A SHARK ARRRRRGGHHH! But then he heard a sound. He looked over his shoulder and saw a cave man. He chased the shark away and gave him some water. The two said some jokes and then the caveman helped Bart out of the well and then they became best friends.
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Page 72
JSM Edition 6
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