Junior School Magazine - Edition 6 (NOV 2018)
S tar T ime P resentation
Good afternoon 3R, today I will be sharing my Star Time presentation. I have made a model of a balanced community and this is what it looks like. • Wind power - generates electricity so then it is not using fossil fuels. • Bridges – allowing the river to flow smoothly. • Water tanks – not taking water from the river. Collecting rain water to drink yourself. • Solar panels – also helps generate power to heat water in your house for example. • Animal tunnels – to allow wildlife to cross over the road without getting hit. • Ropes course – helps people to enjoy and understand the environment. • Veggie garden – making you grow your own food instead of buying food. • Chicken coop – the chickens eat your scraps so then you don’t chuck the food out. • Dog fences – to separate pets from wildlife. • Speed limits – to keep noise down and to keep people and animals safe. Thank you.
P eggy W ebber Y ear 3R
Page 64
JSM Edition 6
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