Junior School Magazine - Edition 6 (NOV 2018)
E scape from P ompeii
Everyone fell silent. “We’ll stop rehearsing for the day, I’m sure the earthquake will calm down, Vesuvius is our protector after all!” Puffed Dion. “Of course!” Laughed one of the actors as the others sang, ‘Rubble down, tumble down, great city walls, feel the ground grumble, the citizens stumble, when the earth shakes and rumble down, tumble down! Dion collected Tranio as the actors rushed out of the theatre, finally the pair hurried to their house. Carefully, Tranio placed the wooden dishes on the table as he bit his lip. “Father, I’m worried,” mumbled Tranio. However, his silence was cut short when his father said, “About what? The play not being a success? well, I’ll tell you what...” “No! What if Mt Vesuvius is a volcano?” interrupted Tranio, panicking. “Tranio you know Vesuvius is our protector, not a life-taking mountain!” Roared Dion. “But...” whispered Tranio. “Enough! I have work to do, so go!” Demanded Dion. Although his father told him to go to the fountain, Tranio didn’t. He went down the street to the bakery where Livia was. With a creak, Tranio opened the door to the bakery and in there, as usual, was Liv curling her hair. “Oh hello Trano,” said Liv. “Hi Liv, but stop curling your hair and come, it’s an emergency!” chattered Tranio. With that, Livia stopped fidgeting her chestnut brown locks and glanced at Tranio with a surprised look. “What’s happening?” asked Liv as they rushed to the harbour. When Tranio was about to reply then, BOOM! Rocks and sand hurled into the air. Ash came sprinkling down from the sky like snow. The pair tried to cover their mouths as well as breathe but it was impossible, when they tried to breathe they inhaled the ash and it went in their lungs. Finally, the pair grasped a stone statue. “Come on Liv!” Shouted Tranio as he pulled out his hand so Livia could grab it. “Thanks, Tranio...” whispered Liv. Weakly as she grabbed Tranio’s hand and began to sprint as fast as they could. When they got there, the cargo ship was about to leave the harbour. “It’s hopeless...” sighed Tranio as a tear rolled down his cheek. “No, it’s not !” cried Liv as she grasped Tranio’s hand. “On the count of three, leap!” instructed Livia. Tranio nodded and they leapt together. Thump! The pair landed on the cargo ship safely however; they noticed none of the villagers where there. Tranio sniffed as Liv wrapped a rug around both of them and they placed a comforting arm around each others shoulders.
M omoko T akahata Y ear 4M
Page 48
JSM Edition 6
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