Junior School Magazine - Edition 6 (NOV 2018)
E scape from P ompeii One warm August day started like any other. Tradesmen calling for people to buy their goods and fishermen unloading their fresh catches. As Mt Vesuvius, the gentle giant overlooked Pompeii and their Roman citizens. As time went by, Tranio and his father, Dion the famous actor, had gone to the amphitheatre so young Tranio could watch him and the acrobats perform. “We will use you in short parts soon,” Dion said. As time went by, Tranio’s mind started wandering about what his good friend Livia was doing. She would usually be learning to weave and cook but in the hot afternoons she would go down the street and play knuckle bones or chase dogs. The ground gave a sudden rumble as everyone fell silent, you could hear the steps of an ant marching upon a leaf. As soon as Tranio heard that, he darted off to find Livia. Pushing through thick ash and warm pumice rock that fell, Tranio spotted part of a woven dress in the corner of his eye, he swiftly spun Livia around and pulled her down to the harbour. As soon as they saw a boat they dived into it, they pulled woven carpets over themselves and the strong current reeled the canoe out to sea. Livia and Tranio desperately wandered, “will we see Pompeii ever again?” Their evil betrayer Mt Vesuvius has destroyed the ancient city of Pompeii.
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Page 46
JSM Edition 6
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