Junior School Magazine - Edition 6 (NOV 2018)
E scape from P ompeii One unusually hot August day, begun like any other day in Pompeii. Fishermen were bringing fresh goods up to the stalls to be sold. Luscious Azure water was swaying swiftly like the wonderful wind. Tranio was in the amphitheatre watching the actors perform the perfect play. Suddenly the ground crumbled. Everything fell silent. Tranio ran to try to find Livia. Dodging falling buildings, he sees Livia’s distinctive curly hair in the corner of his eye. Running he grabbed her arm and spun her around. Pulling her toward the harbour, he sees a wooden boat with tapestry rugs inside. They both pick up a paddle and jump into the boat, paddling as fast as they can. As they’re quickly heading out to sea, they both pull a rug over their heads, ducking from falling ash. They both wonder, will they ever see their beautiful hometown again?
A melie M illar -M artin Y ear 4F
Page 44
JSM Edition 6
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