Junior School Magazine - Edition 6 (NOV 2018)
E scape from P ompeii The strong hint of wine filled the whole miniscule city of Pompeii and the fresh smell of dough fought with the hint of wine like two babies arguing. The bustling trades’ men scrambled on ships and off, importing and exporting all kinds of goods. Out of the blue, the cracked and shattered tiles on the sturdy store roof sprinkled like sand falling on the ground. The bright red ruby sky shone upon Pompeii. Undisciplined Tranio shot out of his snug chair in the amphitheatre frantically searching high and low for Livia, his friend who was at the bakery. Tranio grabbed Livia’s arm and pulled her aside. Without saying a word of warning Tranio dashed towards the Bay of Naples. Tranio spied a wooden, rudder boat bobbing up and down. He rushed straight for it and threw Livia on the boat. Tranio jumped in and stared at the village. Suddenly, Tranio heard ear-deafening screams in all the dust. All was silent. Livia felt like crying because her eyes stung from the pumice ash and her home was about to be destroyed. Without warning, Mt Vesuvius spews out its last bit of pumice, ash, and fire. Livia nodded to Tranio as if she was saying, let’s go quickly now. Tranio and Livia were both terrified and petrified and were as still as statues. Tranio didn’t have to make the boat move. The rough waves pushed them aside. Could Mt Vesuvius be trusted again?
J ustin H ammett Y ear 4M
Page 42
JSM Edition 6
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