Junior School Magazine - Edition 6 (NOV 2018)
E scape from P ompeii Everyone fell silent. Worried thoughts chased each other through Tranio’s panicked mind. He quickly realised it was probably time to evacuate the tarnished theatre and ran to the stone slab stairs. As Tranio scrambled up the steps, a slab rocketed out from under Tranio’s feet and hit his father Dion full in the stomach, winding him and knocking him out. Tranio rushed over to his dad, “sorry father,” he whispered guiltily. “But I have to find Liv.” Tranio reached the bakery doors in record time. He had noticed on the way there that Mt Vesuvius, the Gentle Mountain and Pompeii’s Great Protector, had smoke billowing out the top of it. “Tranio!” screamed a petrified sounding voice. Tranio immediately recognised the voice and spun around on his heels to face the bakery door. A pale face peered out of the small window at the top of the door, Tranio gasped. “Livia!” He called to her. “Come out!” “I can’t,” Livia answered. “The door is jammed.” Tranio had no hesitation before desperately trying to prise open the rusty door. He took hold of the ancient looking door handle and pulled and pulled, encouraging Liv to push from the inside. The two friends finally managed to open the annoying (but helpful in other circumstances) plank of wood that jammed the door closed; to a joyous feeling of success. “Come with me, Liv, to the harbour,” said a trembling Tranio. “We are in danger every second we stay in Pompeii.” Livia and Tranio had reached the harbour and were eyeing off a big cargo ship that said, ‘Cargo to Venice.’ Livia and Tranio figured it would be the quickest escape-route. Soon they had stealthily climbed aboard the ship and commando-crawled to a large iron box, which they found suitable to sit in for the ride to Venice. After a few hours, Tranio poked his head out just in time to see the colossal Mountain Vesuvius explode! Liv popped her head out as well as excess lava dribbled down the sides of the volcano. The two children turned to look at their precious home, Pompeii, being destroyed before their eyes. Tranio and Livia sunk back into the box as they cried themselves into a deep, deep sleep.
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JSM Edition 6
Page 41
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