Junior School Magazine - Edition 6 (NOV 2018)
Y ear 6 P ersuasive E xposition - T rash
The whole world needs a huge clean up and we should start with large trash heaps, such as Behala. The whole world needs your help! We produce a massive 2.12 billion tons of waste every year. Most of that gunk goes straight into the ocean, harming both people and wildlife. We must clean up the world, or else we will face extinction of countless animals and plants. If we lose dumpsites, we could save lives. We could save the lives taken away by bad sanitations, avalanches of rubbish and worst of all: the diseases. In Ethiopia’s Koshe landfill site there was about 49 homes destroyed by an avalanche of trash. Diseases also cause horrible sanitation. Those diseases cause most of the deaths in trash heaps on earth, we have about 15 million people living and working in these horrible places. These people are standing on the same planets that we are standing on, can you believe that! The dumpsites are not environmentally friendly or helping endangered species; they are also the opposite of friendly. Dumpsites have even killed some species on the endangered list. In Chicago’s beautiful ocean, there was a whale washed up. It wasn’t an ordinary whale, it was a rubbish whale! That poor whale had about 29kg full of all sorts of rubbish inside. That weighs more than I do! That is what trash can do to the animals. In 2050, there will be more trash in the ocean than fish. Can you believe that too? Losing dumpsites means losing jobs for people working there. However, there is a solution for that. If the governments worked together, they could help the people as easy as pie. The governments could provide money for the children to go to school. Adults could use the money to make a business to earn money themselves. Charities are also a path to escape poverty. In conclusion, cleaning up the earth will improve the health of people, save endangered species and clean up the oceans. Although there will be jobs that are gone, the government could provide support to people’s lives that are impacted by the trash heaps. If we do not clean up the earth, future generations may not have an earth to live on. The change begins now!
K akeru A dachi Y ear 6G
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JSM Edition 6
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