Junior School Magazine - Edition 6 (NOV 2018)
Y ear 5 - D escriptive W riting
The Beast Within the Forest Beating out of my chest, my heart was racing faster than it had ever raced before.
“What was that?” said Derek trembling with fear. As terrified as I was, I still spoke. “I’m not sure.”
The beast was colossal with sticks bigger than Mount Everest poking out of its back. Emerging from the shadows was a pack of wolves. The leader of the pack had blood red eyes. Ferociously the wolf leapt onto the beast’s leg and with teeth as sharp as nails, the wolf bites as hard as he could but it was not enough and with the touch of his hand the beast flicked the wolf off with immense power. Shocked and hurt the wolf pack retreated into the forest. We could see the enlightenment on the beast’s face like he was king of the world. Delighted and exhausted the misunderstood beast ventured deep into the forest never to be seen again.
R aiden K yaw Y ear 5P
The Well During the boiling heat of Egypt, he knew he had to get water to survive. He had been travelling day and night in search of water. After another day of travelling in search of water, he saw a well. Immediately he started lowering the bucket as fast as he could but as he started to pull the bucket back up, he couldn’t. It was stuck but he needed the water, so he bent over to look below. Unfortunately, at that moment, his camel nudged him, and he fell in the water. Blub, Blub, Gasp! He quickly swam to shore. when he reached the shore, he admired the view. it was beautiful, exquisite and unique. It was the most jaw-dropping view he had ever seen! He was out of his mind. Then a Mysterious voice said to him, ‘Welcome Jack’...
M elody Y ang Y ear 5P
Page 30
JSM Edition 6
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