Junior School Magazine - Edition 6 (NOV 2018)
Y ear 6 P ersuasive E xposition - T rash
Sadly, our world is in a lot of trouble because it is filling up with rubbish. This rubbish is growing and increasing in size in the form of giant trash heaps. Trash is polluting our beautiful oceans and harming our marine animals. As the years have passed, humans have been responsible for producing and leaving this rubbish that is destroying our earth. There are many ways that we can help to remove and reduce our trash. Starting with huge trash heaps like the one in Behala, we could sort out the trash to reduce and completely remove such sites. “Behala is a huge, monstrous, filthy, steaming rubbish dump and you cannot believe human beings are allowed to work there, let alone live there.” The world needs education on how to reduce waste. The first place to start would be educating the large companies who are responsible for making the packaging. Companies also need to change their plastic bags to biodegradable bags or renewable bags. The consumer needs to be educated on how to reduce the amount of waste/packaging they purchase e.g. buy loose corn on the cob instead of it being packaged. Another way to clean up our world would be to sort out the trash into different piles such as organic material, recycled and upcycled. Organic material is materials such as; food, garden and lawn clippings. Instead of these materials going into your bin and then the landfill, your organic materials can go into a compost bin or a worm farm. Materials such as; paper, aluminium, cardboard, plastic, and metals all can be recycled. Once these products are sorted, they are squashed by big crushing machines and they are ready for recycling. Upcycling refers to creating something new out of unwanted materials or waste e.g. old car tyres can be made into a swing. Finally cleaning up our oceans will also help with reducing waste. Over 5 trillion pieces of plastics are currently littering the ocean. Known as the world’s “ocean garbage patches,” there are five plastic pollution areas that spread across millions of square kilometers of ocean. Plastic rubbish dumped in the sea is causing big problems for sea life and can pollute the water we drink. Our world is being destroyed by the large amounts of trash we produce, both on land and in the sea. Once people understand how to reduce the waste we produce, we can then make a big difference to the piles of trash in the world.
S ienna T aylor Y ear 6Z
JSM Edition 6
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