Junior School Magazine - Edition 5 (June 2018)
P ersuasive W riting B allet
Ballet is absolutely the best activity in the universe. There are even two boys at Somerset College who do ballet at the same ballet school as me. Whatever you do, quit your teaching days and come to be a ballet student with me. Firstly, ballet is a fantastic form of exercise. The example I will be showing now is ballet is a great form of exercise because you get healthier and get flexible just like me. My other great reason is that you see your best friend at ballet. My example for this reason is that it can break relationships if we don’t see our friends. Finally, ballet is a great activity that I did when I was very petite like two and it was really fun. My example is that you can do it even when you’re little. In conclusion, ballet is the best activity. I have even heard there’s a song called “I Feel Better when I’m Dancing”.
F rances N g Y ear 3R
Page 66
JSM Edition 5
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