Junior School Magazine - Edition 5 (June 2018)

W ood F rogs Wood Frogs are one of many frog species in the world. I chose Wood Frogs because they have extraordinary adaptations you won’t believe exist. All Wood Frogs are from North America, Canada and Alaska, or sometimes in near countries. Adult wood Frogs spend summer months in moist woodlands, forest-like swamps or ravines. During Autumn, Wood Frogs migrate to neighbouring uplands for Winter ready to freeze. When Wood Frogs freeze their bodies for Winter, they freeze 76% - 86% of themselves (1 – 7), 7 months later after freezing, they melt and hop immediately to the nearest pond or lake for mating because they don’t have much time to waste. Eventually after mating, the female lays 100-300 eggs into / on a branch of straight into the water. One day the eggs start cracking and grow into tadpoles, soon the tadpoles grow limbs and hop out of the water ready to grow into a Wood frog. There are not many colours on a Wood Frog. A Wood Frog can be shades of brown, red and yellow. The chest of a Wood Frog is a skin/pale colour. I think Wood Frogs are fascinating creatures with amazing features. And I hope you think these Frogs are amazing too.

Maxine Stewart Year 4F

Page 58

JSM Edition 5

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