Junior School Magazine - Edition 5 (June 2018)
K oalas A koala is a fabulous pretty animal. The koala sleeps a lot, probably all the time. The koala eats all of the time too. A koala’s fur has a deceptive appearance. Koala fur usually is brownish or grey, although southern specimens are markedly browner than those is the north. They also have white fur on certain parts of their bodies. Koalas have special physical characteristics that complement their tree-dwelling lifestyle. With two apposable digits, their forepaws are well-adapted to gripping branches and picking eucalyptus leaves - their main form of nourishment. The size of a baby koala is usually 19 millimetres when they are born. A koalas average size and weight is 70-90cm in length and they weigh anywhere from 4-9 kilograms. Females tend to be both slightly smaller and slightly less heavy than males. So now you know what to do with koalas. You don’t saddle them up and ride them or use them as a servant, you just let them sleep and eat.
Brooke Bowden Year 4C
JSM Edition 5
Page 55
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