Junior School Magazine - Edition 5 (June 2018)
J essie G raff M y H ero Jessie Graff is my hero because she is strong and passionate. To give you more information she’s on American Ninja Warrior and she is always a hero. I’ll tell you more about that later. We always know she is powerful. Jessie Graff always dresses up on Ninja Warrior. I’ve never seen her without a costume. Some of the costumes she has is Wonder Woman and Spider girl. She inspires me to be myself. Only because of her I will have a go. Fun fact, Jessie Graff was the first girl to enter the finals and she did the splits on boxes five feet away from each other above water. She is a hero to me, even without a costume. Even though she is a girl, she has an extraordinarily big imagination. Jessie Graff has done things no one has ever done before. When she’s on the atmosphere is cheering and clapping. Signs getting put up in the air, ‘Go Jessie’ or ‘You’re My Hero.’ She started the crowds roaring! Her legs don’t stop moving with not a second to spare. Quickly she’s on. Although she is fast that doesn’t mean she will reach the end. Her goal is to show girls that they’re stronger than they think. She also is determined to get to the end, but she always tries her best. Before long I knew that she was my hero.
Adriana Smith Year 4F
Page 52
JSM Edition 5
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